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This post is about why Pinterest is the best way to promote your blog.

Why Pinterest For Your Blog?

Every blogger knows the feeling of writing post after post, spending hours on creating amazing content but then only getting minimal views. Let’s face it, ranking on Google’s first page is not only hard, it is almost unachievable.

This is why it is important to use networks to promote your blog content to readers who might be interested in your topics. This is exactly where Pinterest comes into play. And although Pinterest has been around for years, it is still one of the most valuable and important way to promote your blog.

Pinterest still is the number 1 best way to promote your blog and content.

If you want to take a deep dive into Pinterest check out the All About Pinterest section.

Why Pinterest is one of the largest visual search engines?

Pinterest is basically a visual search engine that enables you to find anything and everything about any topic out there.

Pinterest caters to millions and millions of users who have access to billions of pins. It is a great way to use Pinterest to promote your blog because it can really provide the exposure you need to receive viewers/visitors.

Why Pinterest is easy and fun to use?

Pinning content to Pinterest in an effort to gain visitors to your website is fun. I personally love Pinterest. Not only do I personally spend time pinning to my personal account, where I pin items to Wishlists or Inspiration boards but I also use it to gain visitors to my blog.

The reason why I like using Pinterest to promote my blog is because it is so easy and fun to use. It is uncomplicated and well thought out for end users.

Why Pinterest sparks creativity and ideas?

Pinterest is a great way to get inspired and helps you come up with ideas. When I am on Pinterest trying to get inspiration from other accounts that I admire and respect, it really does spark my creativity. It motivates me to produce and create valuable, aesthetically pleasing Pins to draw attention to my content and gain readership.

Why is Pinterest accessible to everyone?

Pinterest is accessible to literally everyone who has a computer and an internet connection. It is a visual search engine that has millions of visitors every day. The majority of Pinterest visitors are actively looking for something on Pinterest.

Whether you want to use it for your hobby or business, everyone can create a Pinterest account in just a few steps. You do not have to pay to promote your blog or content on Pinterest – but if you do want increased exposure, you can also buy and run ads on Pinterest.

Since starting my blog, I have not tried to run ads but I am very curious and would like to run ads at some point to see if it really makes a difference. I think it actually could!

Why Pinterest is amazing for the collection and sharing of your and others’ content

When it comes to content and sharing, I would say that Pinterest is the best tool out there!

Actually, when you share Pins from others in addition to your own ideas, this does increase overall impressions. I think that it could lead to more exposure of your account when users ultimately land on your account through someone else’s’ Pin.

Sharing content is a big part of Pinterest, and I think it is embedded in its philosophy: the more you share your own but also other peoples’ Pins, the likelier that more eyeballs will eventually land on your Pins and thus potentially your blog as well.

Pinterest is a tool to get potential buyers to your website and introduce them to your products. You can easily attract visitors to your website from Pinterest by displaying your own beautiful images and market your blog/website. You can also spend money on placing ads on Pinterest.

How Success Stories have shown the Value of using Pinterest to promote blog content

There are many new bloggers who knew from the get-go that Pinterest was a way to get more viewers to their blogs. Those bloggers who understood early on, the real value of Pinterest and who created Pins to promote their blog posts have had tremendous success.

Some people have become Pinterest specialists and were able to start a business helping bloggers do the Pinterest work on their behalf.

Whatever the success story may be, Pinterest is the best way to promote your blog.

Final Note

Why Pinterest Is The Best Way To Promote Your (New) Blog

Pinterest is a great way to get more viewers to your blog. If I can honestly recommend to create an account and start pinning your content to the platform, especially if you are a new blogger. Pinterest is free and known as one of the best visual search engines out there. If you are not leveraging Pinterest to get visits to your blog, then you are missing out big time on website traffic and free promotion.

Image credit:

Photo by Mathilde LMD on Unsplash

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