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This post is about why starting a blog is still a good idea.

Is It Still Worth Starting a Blog?

You may ask yourself if it is still worth starting a blog today, when there are so many blogs out there already.

You might think that starting a blog just means that your blog will be part of an over-saturated market.

But wait a second!

What if I told you that starting a blog and blogging in general isn’t dead!

That starting a blog right now is still a good idea and that it is not too late.

What if I told you that starting a blog could become a great side hustle or could even turn into a profitable online business? When I started blogging years ago, there was a lot of competition already. In fact, every day, individuals around the world decide to start a blog. Who knows, one day your blog might turn into something really, really BIG!

Why Would You Want To Start Your Own Blog?

There are many reasons why individuals could start a blog today. By getting started today, you might even create life-changing opportunities for yourself as well.

I started my very first blog in 2012 and chose a niche which wasn’t the best for me to be honest. As a matter of fact, I had many blogs over the years. When I started my first blog I never imagined of making money. I thought only big bloggers could make money with blogging.

I don’t believe that it is too late to start the blogging game. You too can make money on the internet but you have to be strategic about everything you do and you have to do it the right way from the start. You can start a blog and start writing about something you are passionate about, build your tribe and help others with your content.

The starting costs are relatively low, if you think about, if you can cut your coffee runs out of your budget and take that money to pay for a blog, it’s doable.

10 reasons why starting a blog is right for you:

1. To earn passive income. Hello there, making money while you’re sleeping? (OK, It’s not THAT easy, don’t kid yourself 🙂

2. To earn money from home. Yay, #WFH

3. To inspire/motivate others. Be inspired & inspire <3

4. To get a business off the ground. #Womentrepreneur

5. Building online communities, connecting, sharing. <3 Share the L.O.V.E.

6. Creative way to launch your own products or services. Wouldn’t that be AMAZING?

7. Doing something other than the old 9-5 job that no longer gives you fulfillment. *Becomes travel blogger*

8. To connect with brands or people you find interesting & love. Yes, girl, they want to work with YOU!

9. To make a difference in at least one person’s life and to serve. Think of others first & help because people need to hear from YOU!

10. To become your own boss and to eventually hire staff. Now we’re talking business!

How To Pick A Blog Name / Domain Name

Your domain name should be unique, short and entail something in the name about what your blog is about. Refrain from using hivenated names, or a name that is too long and difficult for readers to remember. This will help a lot later on with SEO.


Starting a blog is a great way to share your passion with your audience! If you are dedicated and give it your all, then who knows you might be able to turn this blogging thing into a real, profitable business. The starting costs are low and I’d say it’s always good to try it out and give it a shot. If you don’t like it, you can always stop. There is no obligation but trying to start a blog whether it will be to generate income or not, it’s a creative way to express yourself.

This post is about why starting a blog is still a good idea.

Image Credit

“Blog” – Unsplash

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