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This post is about how to reduce your monthly cell phone and internet bills.

Did you know that all it takes to reduce your monthly cell phone or internet bill is to take action and call the specific providers to see if they can reduce your bill? Yes, sometimes it only takes a phone call. Why would you not try and get in touch with your provider to decrease your monthly bills?

To be honest, I learned this from my family. When I was growing up, every year my family called their providers to see if they could do something about our bill(s).

Most of the time the provider in fact could adjust pricing or provide a better contract. If they didn’t, my family would switch over to another provider.

I read somewhere that the average cell phone bill in North America ranges anywhere from $50.00 to even over $100.00. Internet bills come to about $60.00-$120.00 a month in North America. That is a lot of money over any given year. Yes, these are services many people cannot live without. However, just because you signed up for a certain plan, doesn’t mean you cannot ask for a better deal a year later, thus decreasing your monthly bills spent on cell phone and Internet services.

Decreasing Monthly Bills

Over the summer, I managed to decrease my cell phone bill by switching over to a new provider. I ended up saving about 43% of my cell phone bill. Yes, 43%! That is hundreds of dollars in a year.

Let that sink in for a minute!

Why would I want to keep spending tremendous amounts of money each month to a cell phone provider who, year by year, sneakily increases the charges without even letting their customers know, while still keeping the customer on the same old plan. It didn’t make any sense!

This month, I also managed to decrease our internet bill by $16.00 while also getting faster speed. $16.00 dollars might not make a big difference to some people but knowing that I have decreased the bill while upgrading the quality of our internet, I can say, I will now do this every 1-2 years.

Be Prepared And Have Good Arguments Ready

Trying to cut costs by simply calling the provider is a simple task to do. Before you call, get your facts in order though. Pull out your bills and have your account number ready. In addition, when calling your providers for your cell phone or internet service, be prepared to tell the customer service rep about competitor’s pricing and plans available. You need to have another offer on the table when you want to negotiate a better deal with the current provider.

In most cases, your current providers will either match or even offer you a better deal. They ultimately do not want to lose a paying customer and this is exactly why you should try this out for yourself.

Check Your Monthly Bills Quarterly Or At Least Yearly

We often don’t think of going through all of our bills to check how much charges have gone up. However, in order to keep your overhead costs low and decrease your monthly spending during your debt-free journey or even if you’ve been debt-free, it never hurts to ask for a better deal and checking your bills at least once a year is an absolute must.

(By the way, companies do this every year – you should do this as well and go through all monthly bills to see IF and WHERE you can save!)

You will be surprised to discover that maybe charges have increased over a period of one or two years. You will be surprised that your current plan might be outdated and that for the money you are paying now, you’d be better off switching. Checking your monthly bills once a year and going through all of them with a fine tooth comb is a great way to start reducing your monthly bills while also asking for and getting better services.

Switch Providers If You Are Unhappy Or Not Getting The Service You Want

Often times we fall into this habit of just being OK with the plans we have in place. Let this be for cell phones or internet, we just assume that the plan we are on has been working fine and that we tend to just leave it at that.

However, it’s a good idea to shop around on the internet to see if there are better plans out there. It might sound daunting to switch providers but most often, it is a quick procedure and once you’ve changed, your wallet will definitely notice the difference! So don’t be shy to make a switch if you are unhappy with your current providers.

Save Money On All Of These Bills

Ultimately by calling your provider to get you on a better and more affordable plan, you will free up some money. This money can be then used to put towards savings or used to reduce any debt you might still be working on.

If you get to save $30 – $50 dollars a month because you’ve simply switched your cell phone provider or got on a better Internet plan, this adds up quite a bit on a yearly basis. Saving $50.00 dollars a month on these kind of services adds up to $600.00 a year. Think about what you could do with an additional $600.00 in your budget!

Final Note

You should always be aware of all of your monthly charges for the services you have in place.I learned this during my debt-free journey and still today I try to get the best deal for me with everything!

Go through your cell phone and internet bill at least once a year or better, every quarter (to also look out for sneaky additonal charges!) and if you think that you could lower these bills, don’t be hesitant to contact your provider outright.

You may be surprised at how much you could save on a monthly basis by just asking for a new deal or getting a comparative offer in to price match. Don’t just stick with the charges and bad service year over year, and instead, analyze your expenses for these categories and try to get a better deal for yourself! After all: you deserve it 🙂

The only downside that could happen is that you get rejected. This isn’t a big deal as you can just switch your account alltogether over to a new provider and today, most providers can easily set you up with a new account and you even get to keep your phone number! How awesome is that?

Either way, it’s at least a good idea to give it a shot! You never know, because you might end up saving more money on this which you can put towards paying off your debt or towards any of your savings goals!

This post is about how to reduce your monthly cell phone and internet bills.

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