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This post is all about how to manifest and attract money into your life.

Wouldn’t it be nice just to attract more money into your life than debt for example?
Do you have problems doing just that – attracting and keeping money in your life? Do you feel like the moment you have a bit of money it’s gone again? Does it feel as if the Money you worked so hard for, seems to simply slip out of your hands, faster than you can hold on.

I was there once too and there are many things I needed to do in order to change my perspective about money and how to not spend it all the time. It took a village and was never easy. To this day it isn’t. With social media and being constantly programmed to buy this and buy that, it is very difficult to keep your money and continue to build savings. You will need to have a few things in order before you can even start to manifest and attract money into your life.


Change Your Mindset About Money

I know it sounds a bit cliche but when I started changing my mindset and perspective about money in that I told myself, “I will have enough money” and that the “money will stay in my wallet”, things started to change for me. I told myself, that “whatever I do end up spending, will come back to me multiplied.”

With that, money flowed my way; it appeared sometimes right in front of me. One day, I found a $50 dollar bill in one of my drawers. Another day, I was getting the chance to work extra hours. One thing was sure though, that in order for me to attract money into my life, I had to change my entire mindset about money. See when you are asking yourself how to manifest and attract money into your life, it is definitely your attitude towards money that needs to change from a negative to a positive one.

Another important aspect is that in order to attract money, money needs to be understood and respected. What does money mean? Money isn’t a bad thing and having money isn’t either! If you want to know how to manifest and attract money into your life, you have to open your mind to the possibility of manifesting and attracting money. It’s not going to be easy. Especially if you are broke and are barely hanging on and catching up with your bills.

Because when you are broke or near-broke or just don’t have a lot of money, everything that has to do with money is seen as bad in your eyes. Talking about money, seeing money, seeing things you’d like to buy but can’t, seeing people have money who can spend freely as they desire. It all is hard to digest when you don’t have money, and you will not even have the open mind how to manifest and attract money into your life. Which is when money then begins to dislike you.

Attracting money into your life could work if you do as well! Once you begin to start seeing results by simply having switched your mindset, you will notice that money will appear in your life. When you believe in it and imagine it, it will manifest itself. Believe you will be abundant and abundance will follow. Sure, it won’t be easy. This is because you need to nurture the energy of money. Just like you nurture relationships. Money also needs to be respected. You will have to change your behaviors a little to gear towards the “money mindset.

Change Your Behavior Towards Money

There are a few mind games you can play on yourself when it comes to how to manifest or attract money into your life.

  1. Know YOUR number: you need to know your number and you need to be laser focused. As a matter of fact, you have to become obsessed with your number.
  2. You need to have a why. Why are you doing this? Are you doing this just for yourself or for your family? Are you doing this to improve only your life or touch the lives of others as well? This is where you really need to nail down your why. You also need to think beyond yourself.
  3. You need be careful with how you think about money. Leave your old past behind, whether you’ve made mistakes with money and dug yourself into debt, forget your past. Respect yourself and respect money and every penny that’s coming your way.
  4. You need to make sure you accept the money that is coming into your life. When you see a penny on the street, pick it up (Remember, Waren Buffet!). When you have opportunities, take them.
  5. You need to be grateful and thankful. All too often we want things in life and forget to be thankful and grateful for what we already have. Make it a priority to thank the universe for what you have. This can also be something you don’t have already. Like Natalie Bacon likes to say, “you are building yourself from your future self.” Check out her Podcast episode on The Having Money Mindset here. Thank the universe for the abundance of money the universe is sending your way. Thank the universe for already having a comfortable life.
  6. The Universe Has Your Back (Gabby Bernstein). Remember, the universe has your back (generally). You need to trust the process.
  7. Work towards attracting and manifesting money into your life. Seek the opportunities out and dive into the world of possibility. Don’t just sit around and do nothing. It does not work like that!

Take Action Towards Money

You cannot just simply expect to be asking the universe for all of this without yourself taking actions towards money. This is exactly how to manifest and attract money into your life. It just doesn’t work as good and swift if you do not “work” for it as well. See, even though we are asking the universe and we are opening our heart to abundance by manifesting and attracting more money into our lives you also have to “do” your part.

One could be to start saving more money from your paycheck instead of spending it. Or, you could be making a monthly budget and take a portion of your earnings and finally start paying off your credit card. Or maybe you go take action and start seeing a credit counselor to help you sort our your payday loans!

Once you do take action in the money department, you will see that things will take a turn and situations for yourself could change quite drastically and for the better. The universe works in mysterious ways and when it sees you putting in that extra effort, either by cutting down on spending or perhaps picking up more hours at work or starting an additional part time job on the weekend, it is undeniably that the universe could reward in some positive ways.

Final Note

Manifestation goes hand in hand with visualization. In essence, whatever you focus on in your life, visualize, imagine, feel, is what you are bringing to your life. Also take action, where you can and are offered opportunities. Try to manifest and attract money by being open minded, conscious about spending (meaning: keep more of what you make), and carefully think about how to manifest and attract money into your life.

This post is all about how to manifest and attract money into your life.

Image Credit:

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

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