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This post is all about how to make extra money.

Let’s be real, sometimes we just feel like we could take on another job to make additional cash to our day job.

You might have asked yourself before how to make extra money?

Often referred to as “side hustles” or “side gigs”, these jobs help you make additional income to your day job. The nice thing about side hustles is that there are a variety of types out there and not all of them are jobs that need to be done online.

10 side hustles that can help you make money in addition to your day job

1. Sell Items On Ebay Or Poshmark

Selling items from your household on Ebay have been around for decades. When it comes to decluttering your house, make a note of items that might be appreciated by someone else.

Listing items on Ebay is quick and you will be surprised as to how quickly you can start selling on the platform. It is a very user-friendly platform and because millions of people are active on Ebay looking for items to purchase, you will have success.


Now Poshmark is currently only available in the U.S.

However, I believe they are going to expand to Canada soon, as they are currently planning to roll out the platform.

Poshmark is a platform for selling clothes (shoes, accessories, bags) only. It has an active community and in the case of Ebay, many users are actively seeking to make purchases.

Signing up with Poshmark is easy. There have been many success stories of women starting a real business from this.

Please be aware that you must showcase your items in the best way possible, meaning you will have to dedicate time to taking amazing photos and create in depth descriptions of your items. Remember, to put on your salesperson thinking cap.

You will have to pay for Ebay fees and Poshmark fees. This usually entails listing fees,as well as a percentage the platforms will take off your sales price. This is because you are selling on their platform, to their customers and they’d like a commission of every sale.

2. Fiverr & Etsy

Another online platform to make money as a side hustle are Fiverr and Etsy.

On Fiverr you can literally sell you digital services, consulting, etc. This could be anything from creating a Youtube banner, media kit, OR social media descriptions, logos, voice overs. Anything creative that you can come up with can be offered on Fiverr for sure. This is amazing to test the waters of entrepreneurship.

The nice thing is that Fiverr offers payment protection, the price is always negotiated beforehand and the platform has many active users making it a great avenue to gain customers for your services/products.

A long time favorite of mine is Etsy. When I think of Etsy, I want to purchase unique items, perhaps hand-made with love, and usually eco-friendly. Etsy is another great avenue where you get to offer your services or products to customers and make money as a side hustle.

Are you into knitting scarves and do you think you could be making money from selling your scarves? Become a seller and list them on Etsy!

The benefits of Etsy is that it has a worldwide reach and you can literally find products from every corner of the world.

Etsy is a lovely way to sell your items.

3. Craigslist Or Kijiji

To be honest, I prefer not to sell on Craigslist or Kijiji as I do not like meeting up in person. However, because it is another avenue to make money, I thought I would put it into this list.

Craigslist and Kijiji are online forums where you can post what you want to sell. To make the exchange, you usually meet up with the person.

There are probably many individuals who make a side hustle from this. Many students post items they want to get rid off on these platforms before the semester ends. It is a way for them to get rid of their furniture and household items.

4. Local Flea Markets

Another side hustle is attending a flea market in your local area. Many treasures are found on flea markets and believe it or not, a lot of clothing is sold on flea markets.

Usually you will have to pay for your stand on the flea market. Many locals will visit the flea market in your area. So in a way, it gives a community feeling.

Be aware that a lot of people will want to barter with you. If you know what your items are worth, do not compromise the price.

5. Garage Sales

Garage sales have been around forever. It is probably the oldest way of making a bit of money by selling to your neighbours. You can post signs in your neighbourhood to let people know that you will be holding a garage sale.

The nice thing is all you have to do is put everything nicely on a table or blanket and try to sell on your driveway.

Garage sales are a way of getting rid of unwanted household items because people need to. Individuals know this and will try and get the lowest price for items.

6. Dog Walkers / Dog Sitting

Ever thought about becoming a dog walker in your neighbourhood?
I see so many dogs in our neighbourhood, and lately I’ve seen many dog walkers as well.

How do I spot them? Well they usually have about 4-5 dogs on leashes.

Dog walking has been around forever as well. Many families simply do not have the time to care for dogs, as much as they would like to. This is where you come in.

Post a notice on your neighbourhood that you are willing to dog walk or dog sit for neighbours. Don’t forget to include your hourly rate as well. Include your experience with dogs! Nobody wants to give their dogs into the hands of someone who has never played with a dog.

Make sure you are insured. Talk to your insurance broker to see whether you can be insured in case something happens. Better to be safe than sorry!

7. House Sitting

Ever thought about sitting houses and getting paid? This profession actually exists. If you have the time and know your neighbours, it might be a great way to earn extra cash.

House sitting usually entails looking after the house, watering plants, picking up the newspapers from the driveway and just checking that everything is OK.

Again, make sure you are insured. Talk to your insurance broker to see whether you can be insured in case something happens. Better to be safe than sorry!

8. Baby Sitting

How many of you have baby sat when you were a teenager?
I never baby sat once. You need to know beforehand if this is something for you. Taking care of children is no joke and you will have to entertain them with board games and things like that.You have to be an individual who has patience.

Needless to say, you can make a lot of money from baby sitting and especially on the weekends when parents want to go on date nights, etc.Make sure you are insured. Talk to your insurance broker to see whether you can be insured in case something happens. Better to be safe than sorry!

9. Tutoring

Are you good in high school mathematics or science? Are you an English Lit graduate? Do you love to explain concepts to other people? Do you know Spanish?

If you said yes to many of those questions, then you are the right person to tutor individuals for money.

Tutoring is very lucrative and the personal returns are great. If you can take a student from a C to an A in a certain course, it feels awesome!

You can negotiate the hourly wage with the student / student’s parents. Most of the time tutoring 1:1 in their home or at school is great as opposed to tutoring at locations like KuMon.

10. Grass Cutting Or Snow Shoveling

Seasonal jobs are awesome. Especially when they have to do with the outdoors. If you are willing to make money shovelling snow off of driveways in the Winter time and cutting your neighbour’s grass in the Summer time, you have yourself a great side hustle.

Because it snows a lot, this won’t be a one-time thing. The same goes for cutting the grass. In the summer time, you might have to cut your neighbour’s grass every two weeks.

Both activities are what I would consider “hard” labour so you can ask for a great hourly wage. Be prepared to do the job right though.

Individuals who pay for these services count on you. They are dependent on you. So when it snows at 3am in the morning, be prepared that you have to wake up early to shovel the driveway free from snow, before your neighbours open their garage to drive to work.

The same goes for landscaping activities such as cutting the grass. Consistency is key. Show up on the days you have agreed to perform the service. Never skip and or try to postpone dates.

And there you have it. 10 side hustles to make money in addition to your day job!


There are many opportunities out there waiting for you with regard to side hustle income. From dog walking to baby or house sitting, it comes down to how creative you are to think of a side hustle that you can easily do and makes a great side income. The more income you make, the quicker you can pay off any debt or save towards something you’d been wanting to purchase.

This post is all about how to make extra money.

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