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This post is all about five reasons why budgets fail.

We’ve already discussed how to create a budget here. By now, we’ve also come to realize that a budget is a way to control your money instead of the money controlling you. Setting up a budget seems generally easy. For a lot of individuals, budgets seem to be a constraint to their lifestyle.

Here are five reasons why budgets fail that come to mind immediately:

1. Mindset

Mindset – when the mindset hasn’t shifted completely, it is easy to fall off track.

2. Restriction

Restriction – when thinking of a budget as a restriction, rather than a means to generate more opportunities for oneself.

3. Budgeting alone

Budgeting alone – budgeting becomes difficult when you are alone or the partner is not on the same page. The possibility of losing interest and determination increases.

4. Budget Type

Budget Type – the budget type which is being used turns out to be too complicated or too convoluted.

5. Unrealistic Goals

Unrealistic Goals if unrealistic goals are set it is much harder to achieve them thus making it hard for you to stick to a budget. 

Here’s how to Succeed at Budgeting:

  1. Intention – your intention needs to be strong. You need to budget with strong intention and put all your efforts and focus into it.
  2. Freedom – see the budget as a means to give you more freedom with your money while increasing your overall wealth.
  3. Together – if you are single, try to find an accountability partner. If you are a married couple, incorporate budgeting into your shared lifestyle.
  4. Budget Method – there are many types of budgeting methods out there. If you have been budgeting to no avail, tweak your budget, change to another budget type.
  5. Goal Setting – set realistic, achievable goals with actual deadlines. Keep track of the progress visually and watch when reaching milestones to celebrate successes.

Final Note

There are times when budgets fail. This is when the budgeting method should be reevaluated. By simply tweaking the budget to be more aligned with one’s lifestyle or current circumstance, individuals can succeed at budgeting. By continuously being intentional, seeing budgeting as a means to actually reach more financial freedom, budgeting with a partner, be it your spouse or a friend to hold each other accountable budgeting can be successful. Experiment and find what works for you and stick to it and reevaluate ever so often!

This post is all about five reasons why budgets fail.

Image Credits:

“Budgeting in front of Laptop” – Unsplash

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