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This post is all about the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time.

In all honesty, I really enjoy shopping at the Dollar Store. Whether it’s shopping for kitchen or household, stationary or decor, I always find great products at the Dollar Store. The 10 Dollar Store products that I find worth picking up every time are even brand names at affordable prices when compared to your “Big Box” stores.

Here are 10 Dollar Store Products That Are Worth Picking Up Every Time

Amongst the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time, cleaning products definitely are on top of the list. When you compare prices for the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time, you will be surprised at just how much you can safe and what quality products you can get.

1. Toilet Bowl Cleaner

If it is one item you definitely need to keep your toilet clean from germs, it’s the Lysol Toilet Bowl cleaner that does the job well. I buy this product at the Dollar Store, because it is a smaller bottle and a brand name. I pick this up almost every time I shop or when I am low on stock at home.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner comes in at 1st place when it comes to the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up you every time!

2. Dish Washer Tabs and Rinse Aid

At 2nd place of the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time are dish washer tabs and rinse aid. If you want crystal clear glasses and dishes, I highly recommend CASCADE tabs over Finish Tabs. I just always get a better result when I use Cascade tabs versus Finish. I have no idea why that might be the case but I have been really into Cascade tabs and rinse aid as it just gets the job done. You can try both at a smaller size at the Dollar Store.

3. Bathroom Cleaner

The VIM bathroom cleaner comes in on 3rd place and is my newest best-kept secret! It cleans to well and the scent is not overpowering. VIM products are not available everywhere so I am happy that I can grab a bottle from the Dollar Store if I am there anyways. It is definitely one of the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time.

4. Shower Squeegee

You might not need to pick up a squeegee every time you are at the Dollar Store but they happen to break from time to time so when it’s time to get a new one, I definitely go and get it from the Dollar Store. Are you tired of cleaning your shower glass door and seeing water marks every time?

Look no further and pick up a squeegee next time you find yourself at the Dollar Store. Maybe you won’t be picking a squeegee up every time, but when these break, it is coming in at 4th place from the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time.

5. Scented Garbage Bags

Scented garbage bags will change your life, girl! I mean, why not use scented garbage bags to enhance the scent in your kitchen? There are a variety of scented garbage bags including Glade with Febreeze scent. I love picking up a couple and usually use these in the kitchen and each of the bathrooms. No more stinky garbage!

We’ve got to elevate every aspect of our life 🙂 Definitely something I do pick up every time and comes in at place 5 for the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time.

6. Candles, lighters and matches

Number 6 from the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time are: candles, lighters and matches. Did you know that candles, lighters and matches should be a part of your Home Emergency Kit? Well, these items are available from the Dollar Store, and every time I pop in, I do make sure I grab some extra candles and matches, as well as lighters – if need be.

Their candle selection is minimal but I like the fact that they do sell candles and they aren’t that pricey. I use matches all the time, I just enjoy the scent of having lit a match, especially around the Christmas time, so I always make sure to get a pack of the short and long ones.

7. Birthday Cards

Have you seen what some Birthday cards nowadays cost? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I love me some precious looking Birthday card but lately I have not seen the point in spending upwards of $8.00 per card no matter how pretty they are! Um, this Recessionista is definitely saving money buy grabbing a few birthday cards here and there when I pop into the Dollar Store. Most of these cards are only $1.00, so you could already get 8 cards for the price.

I mean, this is definitely a win in my books. The Dollar Store has beautiful cards and each one I have bought and gifted in the past, has resulted in the recipient being quite happy about it 🙂 Definitely 7th place and from the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time. You’ll always have a card ready and don’t have to stress about getting a card last minute 😉

8. Wrapping Paper & Scotch Tape

Just like with Birthday cards, I have resulted to the Dollar Store for wrapping paper and scotch tape. Compared to Big Box stores, these items are a fraction of the prices one would pay and the quality is identical, if not even better in some cases! No matter for what occasion – be it Birthdays or Christmas – you can find amazing wrapping paper and the scotch tape to go along with it. I do suggest sticking to the branded scotch tape, as the Dollar Store brand lacks a bit in quality! Definitely worth from the 10 Dollar Store products

9. Wet wipes / Disinfecting Wipes

Coming in strong at number 9 from the 10 Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time are definitely wet wipes or disinfecting wipes. Not only do I leave them around the entry of our house to disinfect soles of shoes (who wants to carry all their bacteria underneath their shoes and spread them in the house? Not me!) but I also keep these in the car and in purse.

Not just since the pandemic but I have always been the kind to have these on hand because I hate sticky fingers! I am not afraid of germs but when I am out and about, I’d like to freshen up with wet wipes and or disinfecting wipes. They come in smaller packages and are a fraction of what you’d pay at Big Box stores! Definitely in my basket every time I hit up the Dollar Store for stuff 🙂

10. Snacks

Um would it even be a completed Dollar Store run without grabbing some snacks? No, it would not! Coming in at number 9 from the Dollar Store products that are worth picking up every time are snacks! No surprise here. What I like about the snacks at the Dollar Store is that they comes in smaller packages. Smaller packages = less calories!

They also have random snacks that I used to eat when I was a child so there is always some nostalgia to picking out a tootsie roll or sour worms candy. I almost never leave the store without picking out some type of snacks – even when I have reduced my sugar intake by 75% this year! It’s just sad to pass up on the candy aisle at the Dollar Store 😀

Final Note

If you love the Dollar Store like I do, then you will probably see some benefit sin my of the 10 Dollar Store products worth picking up every time. The Dollar Store products are more affordable on average than from the Big Box store. You can get smaller sizes in products – which especially if you have a small household can be helpful. Let me know if you come across these 10 products next time you are at the Dollar Store.

Image Credit:

“Woman selecting products in store” Photo by Joshua Rawson-Harris on Unsplash

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