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Accessibility Statement

We know that this website is not perfect…however we are striving to improve this website on an ongoing basis so that every reader/viewer can truly enjoy it.

This is why we are committed to providing an accessible website to everyone.

The Key Guidelines & Standards

  • Images – we will try to use Alt text and provide descriptions of what the image is about.
  • Acronyms – whenever we will use acronyms, we will try to give a better description.
  • Links – we will do our best to use descriptive links.
  • Fonts – we strive to use easy to read fonts that are clear and crisp.
  • Contact form – we use a basic contact form.

Usability of Website

  • We try to have a simple layout of the website that is easy to navigate for our readers/viewers.
  • We like to stick to basic navigation with clear menus/categories.
  • We try to use easy-to-understand language in our content.
  • We only use three heading: H1 (main title), H2 (sub-title 1) and H3 (sub-title 2) for a structured reading experience.

Accessibility Plug-Ins

Our website runs on WordPress and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

WordPress offers some wonderful plug-ins by developers that truly care about website accessibility.

We have implemented plug-ins that assist us on the back end to make sure that our website continues to be accessible to everyone.

Questions / Suggestions

If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to contact us through our contact form

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