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This post is about an honest review of the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing course.

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course
An honest review: Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course

Are you interested in spending money on yourself learning more about the blogging world, especially how to create an income stream on your blog by using affiliate marketing?

Don’t know what affiliate marketing is but are eager to learn about it and get started with your own blog?

Let me tell you, you have come to the right place here!

Whether you are a beginner blogger or an experienced blogger, investing in courses to help you advance in the blogging world is always something you should think about

In order to provide an honest review of the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course
I wanted to wait a little bit.

After having purchased the course with my own money about 2 years ago now, I feel that I can now truly review it and give feedback.

I have had ample time to go through the course 1.5 times by now, and to give my honest review of the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course seemed only fair now.


An honest review of Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course gives you the chance to think about and make an informed decision on whether you want to go ahead and also take the course.

What kind of a Course is Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing?

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing is a course that teaches what affiliate marketing is. This course is geared towards bloggers who want to monetize their blogs.

The course is structured in a way that teaches you exactly what affiliate marketing is, and how and why bloggers can use this tool if they want to create an income stream.

The course outlines step by step the ins and outs about affiliate marketing and provides meaningful tips along the way.

Who is The Creator of Making Sense of Affiliated Marketing Course?

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing was created by Michelle Schroeder-Gardner.

Michelle created this course for new bloggers or experienced bloggers to show how you can create an income stream with affiliate marketing. In a nutshell, Michelle has been blogging since 2012 and quickly was able to part with her corporate job to become a full-time blogger.

Her blog is one of the popular finance blogs, followed by thousands of readers all around the world. I have been reading Michelle’s blog for some years now, and she has truly been an inspiration to me to do well with my blog.

In an effort to help other bloggers, Michelle was kind enough to create this course to show us what affiliate marketing is and how it can be used correctly on blogs to make an income successfully. Michelle successfully turned her once small blog into a 7-figure business which is truly aspirational if you are serious about blogging.

You can check out Michelle’s finance blog over at

How is the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course Structured?

  • Six (6) modules which go over what affiliate marketing and provides valuable tips and advice.
  • It goes over the affiliate marketing rules you need to follow and what you exactly need to do when using affiliate marketing.
  • The course teaches you how to get readers to convert (meaning, how readers will actually make a purchase through your affiliate marketing), and also how to promote your affiliate links.
  • The entire course is easy to follow and I was able to finish the course approximately within two full days (taking breaks in between).
  • The nice thing is that you can go back, or re-do the course to refresh your knowledge, since you will have lifetime access.
  • The course also comes with access to a Facebook group.

Who Should and Should Not Take the Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course?

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing can be taken by anyone who has a blog.

You need to have a little bit of experience with blogging, so the sooner you get the hang of blogging, the sooner you can take this course. It also depends how soon you want to start monetizing your blog with affiliate marketing.

Make sure that you can afford to take this course though. You do not want to go into credit card debt as this is not a smart thing to do! Note, I would not recommend taking this course before you have set up your own website.

Click this link to follow my instructions to help you set up your very own blog.

Do You Need Experience in Affiliate Marketing In Order to Take This Course?

No prior experience is needed to take Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing as it teaches you everything you need to know to get started with affiliate marketing.

As a matter of fact, this course teaches you how to set up an income stream, such as using affiliate links to generate an income from your blog.

You will gain the experience from following along the course while also implementing the steps and techniques on your blog.


Is Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Really Worth The Money?

  • The course costs $197 USD. This is an average price for a quality course packed with information and created by a “popular” blogger who has shown to be successful.
  • It is pricey but not the most expensive blogging course out there. You can make payment in two installments. Save the money for this course first, then buy it!
  • You will learn to understand affiliate marketing and how to use it. Instead of searching the internet and gather the information from different sources, you have everything you need to get started with affiliated marketing combined all in one course.
  • You can become an affiliate and the commission is 40%. If you decide to become an affiliate because you truly believe in this course and its value, then you can try and make back the money that you spent on the course!
  • You will have access to the closed Facebook group. There you can gain much more knowledge about the ins and outs about monetizing your blogs, along with valuable tips and a like-minded community.
  • There is a 30-day money back guarantee policy. If you decide that the course is not for you, you can get a refund.

Would You Recommend Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course?

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing is definitely worth looking into if you are serious about making money from your blog. When you are a blogger, you constantly want to improve your website and ultimately you want to learn about the different ways to actually make an income from your website – or else you can really only call it an “expensive hobby”.

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing is a course created by a trustworthy blogger (in my opinion) who has shown that affiliate marketing works. The information in this course is very valuable and you never lose access to it which is a bonus. You can also go on your own pace and take your time really thriving in this course by implementing the tips and later seeing the results.

When starting your blog and wanting to monetize, it is important that you learn from bloggers who have already achieved what you are still trying to achieve. Michelle has done this with

Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing is a course created by a trustworthy blogger (in my opinion) who has shown that affiliate marketing works. The information in this course is very valuable and you never lose access to it which is a bonus. You can also go on your own pace and take your time really thriving in this course by implementing the tips and later seeing the results. I would buy it again if I was searching for a course that teaches about affiliate marketing.


There is no promise that you will make money through affiliate marketing after finishing this course. You need to work hard in order to create an income stream from affiliate marketing.


Conclusion: An Honest Review of Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing Course

You can use my link to buy this course to learn all about affiliate marketing if you are serious about wanting to monetize your website.

I want you to know though that it is truly up to you what you make out of buying and taking this course, as some people take all the blogging courses out there, and then never take action.

Some people expect miracles, and as you know, it’s all up to you and how much effort you put into your blog or website.

If you are sure about taking this course to monetize your blog or website and you have the money to actually purchase this course, then why not take this course?

The 30-day money back guarantee is also nice, in case you decide that the course is not for you after all.

Image Credit:

Photo by Jess Bailey on Unsplash

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