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This post is about how to blog every day even when working full-time.

Have you ever wondered how in the world can you make time for your blog every day when you are working a full-time job? Let me be real with you, making time for blogging is difficult when you are working full time at your day job.

The time that you want to dedicate to blog every day when working full-time, needs to be spent wisely and efficient.

You want to make sure you think of the points listed here to help you get a little more time for your blog, and especially if you have been asking yourself how to blog every day when working full-time.

In this post you will find out how to blog every day…even if you are working a full-time job and I promise you, it is not that hard!

Make Sure That You Really Want To Be A Blogger

How much do you really want to be a blogger?

What are you willing to sacrifice to become a blogger who eventually makes money from their blog?

The first thing you need to really be sure about is whether blogging is for you or not.

Do you have an interest in blogging? If yes, is this interest more serious or would you rather just blog as a hobby? Do you see yourself blogging long term?

What is it that you want to blog about and would you ever run out of topics to write about? Are you really passionate about blogging?

If you are clear on whether you want to take blogging serious with an ultimate goal of becoming a profitable online business, then you need to make time as a new blogger especially if you are still working a full-time job.

Doing both can be extremely difficult. I, myself am working full-time and finding time for blogging can be extremely nerve-racking and somewhat frustrating.

The following ideas how to make more time for blogging working a full-time job focus on bloggers who are serious about turning their blog into a profitable business.

It’s NOT really meant for hobby bloggers because, as a hobby blogger it does not matter when or if you produce content as the end goal is just to have fun and engage in a hobby.

Once you figured out that you really want to be a blogger and commit time to blogging, your next question should be how to blog every day ….even when working a full-time job!

Find The Time For Blogging That Works Best For You

Find the time for blogging that works best for you to work on your blog. What works great for some bloggers doesn’t mean it works for you. You need to figure it out, the schedule and routine that best fits into your lifestyle.

Many successful bloggers like Michelle Schroeder-Gardner who started out blogging next to her full time job, have prioritized making time for their blogs some way or another.

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner, who built a 7 figure business since 2011 with her blog “Making Sense of Cents” also learned to prioritize time for her blog.

Even though Michelle started her blog as a hobby, when she realized her blog could turn into something more, she even went so far to use her vacation days and work on her blog. (I heard this either on a podcast/interview with her or read it in one of her posts!).

A genius idea to make time for blogging but that means sacrificing vacation time of course.

This example shows that if you are blogging next to a full-time job, you need to have time slots that suit your lifestyle and you definitely have to sacrifice your free time for blogging. Only then, will you really be able to create a schedule around how to blog every day. There’s no way around this.

For instance, I am not the person to wake up every morning at 5 am to start working on a post, and I am also not the person to sit down after work for hours and hours to work on my post. I know I am missing out on valuable time but it just does not fit into my lifestyle.

When I come home from work, I am usually very tired. Preparing a blog post is not really possible. So I focus on “easy” tasks like creating new Pins for Pinterest and Scheduling them with the Pinterest scheduling tool.

I might edit a blog post that I had started on the weekend during the weeknights but coming up with new content after work for me is very tiring and hard. I can think of blog titles what I want to write about and I usually add them to my running list of topics.

Sometimes, I can start creating an outline for a post but the actual content doesn’t flow easy to me at night time and also not in the morning.

I do like to take my laptop to work and then work on a blog post during lunch time. I find I have a lot of energy because I just maybe had a sandwich and feel really refreshed to work on content between the hours of noon and 1:30pm. Usually I can add a lot of content to a post during this time so I tend to use this time slot often for working on blog posts.

Time Management

Schedule Time: Time Blocking For Blogging

Time Management Skills

As a blogger, in order to blog every day one needs to have time management skills as a blogger. Time goes by really fast on the computer if you’ve ever noticed. It’s like you start at noon and all of a sudden, it’s 3:30pm and you ask yourself where the time has gone and look at how much you still have to do.

Luckily I learned time management skills in University. Scheduling time for certain tasks is needed in order to move forward and have success. You really have to “carve out” time to get blogging tasks done, especially if you want to dedicate time to blog every day from your schedule.

Schedule Time

You should make sure that you schedule time when you really have time to do your work, and not when you know there will be a lot of distractions or you have something else lined up that day. Make a schedule of what needs to be done and don’t RSVP to any other events even if you think you will be able to make it. I find this is contra-productive because then I just think, I need to get this done and sometimes don’t pay much attention to the details because I just want to get these tasks over with.

Time Blocking

If you want to blog every day, the best method I have found is to time block. Of course I always want to do everything and have a long to-do-list but who am I kidding? I never get to finish that list in just one day. So now, I just set realistic goals with time blocking. I would make time for writing content or creating Pins. If I plan on doing too much it never gets done anyways!

Time-blocking is as follows: say for instance you want to start writing content, so you’d block a designated time for just doing that. When you are in that section, you only focus on writing content, nothing else (ie. 9 am to noon – focus on writing content for blog post XYZ).

Dedicated spots for getting things done works so much more than trying to get everything done

Use An Editorial Calendar To Schedule Your Blogging Tasks

I can’t say it enough but every blogger should always work with an editorial calendar. Having an editorial calendar means you can schedule out much better the work you have to do for your blog as you know in advance which blog posts need be worked on, and which can be published.

Since an editorial calendar will be the lifeline of your blog and you should always have at least 10-20 blog titles up your sleeve, planning out your content for weeks to come.

You never want to have a break in between posts that is too long where you have run out of all of your ideas and can’t come up with new posts.

With an editorial calendar, you can manage your time more wisely and divide easily between the tasks of when you want to write what sort of content and when your posts will actually go live.

You can either hand write your editorial calendar or use google calendar or find some other tool you like.

Make Lists Of Topics That Come To Mind When You Are On The Go

Make time for your blog by making a list of topics that come to mind when you are on the go.

One thing that definitely helps making more time for your blog, especially blog content, is to always have a journal ready to jot down blog post ideas. When I am on the go, ideas come to me and I want to make sure I don’t forget about them. So I will enter them into my phone or write them down if I have my notebook with me.

Sometimes when you are on the go, the best ideas come to mind because you are not focusing on coming up with content and it just naturally appears.

Write these ideas down!

You will save yourself time from having to brainstorm topics at home and instead can get right into creating your outline and start writing.

Over time, this list gets longer and longer and you’ll see you will have A LOT to write about, which is perfect because you won’t be needing to spend much time on content ideas and can put your focus on content creation.

Use Any Free Time To Brainstorm Topics & Don’t Forget To Write Those Ideas Down

Just like I mentioned above, when you’re on the go, make sure you write down your ideas whether electronically or by hand. This saves a lot of time from brainstorming at home when you could already be writing your posts.

Don’t just say to yourself you will remember the topic later. Trust me, writing it down is the thing to do. Don’t rely on your brain to remember the exact topic hours later when you’ve come back home, most of the time our brain forgets these kind of things quite fast.

Sometimes I lay in bed at night and once I have relaxed all these ideas come to mind. I quickly grab my phone and make a note before I fall asleep. I later that week then add the topic idea to my master list of topics.

Focus On One Specific Blog Task At A Time

Multi-tasking is great in every day life but not so much when it comes to blogging.

If you are trying to multi-task with blogging you will see yourself get frustrated as there is always too much to do and so little time.

Be prepared to do one thing at a time and lots of that thing.

So if you have set time aside to create pins for newer content, then create a whole batch of pins for newer content. The same goes for writing blog posts. Once you are in the groove of things it will just flow easily.

How to blog every day

Don’t Get Distracted And Say No To Other Events On The Weekends

This is hard but in order to make time for blogging, especially, if you are working full time you need to sacrifice more time on the weekends.

Ouch, I said it, I know! The reality is that if you do not have enough time to dedicate to your blog during the week, after or before work, then you must do all of that catch up work on the weekend!

This means saying no to events that will take time away from you writing your blog posts if you really want to be serious about blogging.

As crappy as this might be, if you cannot dedicate enough time during the week to your blog, then you must make up for it Friday night to Sunday night at the very least! You are basically catching up on the time from the week which you didn’t want to use or couldn’t.

How Much Time Do You Really Need To Spend On Your Blog

How much time to spend on your blog is really up to you. You need to make it a priority when and for how long you are going to be productive and work on your blog.

I sacrifice almost all my weekends for my blog because I know I am most productive on the weekends. I start early in the morning (it’s easy to wake up at 7:00am Saturdays and Sundays) to start working on my blog for some reason. So on average, I spent about 18-20 hours on my blog on the weekends.

But it’s very hard for me to actually sit down and blog after my full-time job.

When I get home, I honestly just want to relax and unwind but sometimes I do spend a little time finishing off a post or preparing some Pins. These are the easy kind of blog things to do.

How much time you spend on your blog is of course subjective and all up to you. Remember, the more time you have available, you should think about taking that time and spending it on your blog.

Set Realistic And Time-Specific Goals To Work On Your Blog

If you can, try to dedicate an hour every day to your blog. Whether you’re an early riser or late night owl, pick a time that works well with your lifestyle and carve out 1 hour/day. Try to use that time wisely though because we all know how fast 1 hour passes in no time.

I am not sure if this would really work for me as I always feel I can get nothing done in 1 hour and wouldn’t know where to start as everything takes me a lot of time to get done. I would be up for the challenge though, to dedicate 1 hour/day to my blog for one month just to try it out and see if it makes a huge difference for my blog.

Work On Your Blog During Your Lunch Break At Work

If you can, try to make time for blogging during your lunch break at work.

Lunch time is usually a good time to do blogging tasks. You can focus on tasks that require you to be a bit more focused so producing content or finishing up blog post during your lunch break could is a great way to make some time.

You can eat and write at the same time. You can schedule some pins that you have prepared or prepare more pins that you will schedule at night time for the next day.

Just make sure you are not using company time and tools (if you are not allowed) to work on your blog. It’s never a good idea 😉

Use Vacation Days Off From Your Job To Work On Your Blog

If you want to blog every day, lastly, use your vacation time to spend time working on your blog. If you have time off from work, wouldn’t it be a good idea to work on your blog in order to follow your dream?

Yes, it’s ANOTHER sacrifice but you can use your vacation time efficiently and really get stuff done without being stressed and without having reached your max capabilities!

Just make sure you create yourself a time table/schedule of things you want to accomplish during your time off so that you don’t end up procrastinating and wasting time.

The goal is to get as much stuff done, be it content or marketing for your blog.

Final Note

There’s no wait out but to intentionally make time for blogging. If you want to blog every day, you have to be serious about it and dedicate a huge amount of time towards your blog. There is just no other way.

If you are working a full-time job and are a new blogger, you’ve got to make sure you are organized, use your time wisely and follow a schedule while do batch tasking. You only have so much time available especially if you work a 9-5 so you must have a good regimen in place.

Use any time you’ve got off to focus on your blog and actively create content or use techniques to increase traffic to your blog. Whatever you do, stay positive about it and do it on your own terms. Find the time that works best for you to work on your blog and when you do, do it as efficient as you can and blog every day.

Hey! Don’t go just yet!

If you are interested starting a blog and actually are determined to monetize it, read on …

If you want to start your own blog today, sign up with a reputable hosting company and create your own website! Start writing about what you truly are passionate about and share it with the world!

There are many hosting companies out there, so make sure you do your research before jumping onto the over-hyped companies that leave you hanging – and charge you more after 2-3 years of having been signed up.

If you really want to start making money with affiliate marketing, I highly recommend taking this course to learn all about how to make money on your blog with affiliate links and networks.

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner has built a 7-figure business with her blog and with this course you really do learn from the best! Stop searching for information all over the internet and get this course to start monetizing your blog the right way.

This post is all about how to blog every day.

Image Credit:

Photo by Corinne Kutz on Unsplash

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash

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