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This post is all about 10 Fall activities.

Many activities can be done in the Fall that cost absolutely no money. If there are activities that cost money, they usually don’t cost that much.

I don’t believe in spending money to engage in Fall activities other than spending money on good typical Fall foods such as turkey dinners and for baking pumpkin and apple pies 😉

1. Be Out In Nature

Fall is the perfect time to go on a hike. After a hot summer, when the leaves are beginning to turn and a crisp cool air is appearing, when a light jacket becomes your new accessory, go on a hike or long walk.

Breathing in nature on a hike has lots of benefits and doesn’t cost you a dime – only time! When you’re hiking in the woods or go on trails, take deep breaths and allow yourself to meditate.

Being out in nature does wonders to our bodies!

2. Bonfire & One Last Time S’Mores

Summer nights when it was light outside til 10PM are long gone in the Fall. Create one last bonfire and enjoy s’mores with your family. It’s a bittersweet activity as we say goodbye to summer and welcome a new season.

Sitting around a bonfire while enjoying s’mores is a great activity to tell stories, reminisce about the last months, and let everyone know of your plans in the coming season.

3. Create Fall Inspired Paintings

Painting is always a great activity. Whether you have the tools to paint or not, getting supplies to paint is easy. You can get a lot of great supplies from the Dollar Store (Dollar Tree).

Just start painting and let Fall inspire you!

Maybe watch a Fall sunset and try to paint an abstract painting of the beautiful mix of oranges, reds, and yellows. Add texture with fallen and collected leaves. Be creative and relaxed. Create a wonderful Fall inspired painting and hang it up in your living or dining room to be used as inexpensive decor!

4. Cozy Up At Home With A Blanket

Pool and beach days are long gone! But here are the days when we want to start being cozy again. For Sweater Weather, cozy up at home with a blanket. Enjoy the Fall serenity, as the hectic Christmas time is just lurking around the corner.

Add a cup of home made hot chocolate or pumpkin spice for comfort in your belly! Sit back and relax as the days get shorter and shorter, and you watch closely the season turn from inside of your home.

5. Read A Book By The Fire Place

Fall means cozy, from bonfires to the inside fire place. Enjoy a book, that you have read before and really liked, while the fire place is on.

Listen to the sounds of a real fire place or watch the flames and appreciate the warmth that is provides on a chilly Fall evening when reading is the option of choice!

6. Game Night With The Family

Remember before tablets and smart phones became popular?

Families would actually interact and play more board games. This Fall, how about you bring out all of your board games that you have in your basement and start playing again?

Forgot how to play? Not a problem, sit down with your family and look up all the rules of the games so your game night will run seamlessly without any fights over what can be done in a particular board game and what can’t!

Enjoy sitting on the floor around the coffee table and have some Fall quality time!

7. Make Soup From Scratch

Mhh, don’t you just love all of the soups that are so typically Fall? How about making your own squash soup from scratch?

There are many nice recipes on Pinterest. Surprise your family with an amazing, comforting warm soup this Fall, and see how much it will be appreciated versus soup from the can. 😉

8. Visit A Pumpkin Patch & Pumpkin Carving

Another great adventure that is considered the typical Fall activity is to visit your local pumpkin patch farm. While you’re there enjoying the time with your family and kids, take many pictures so you have nice memories for the future.

Pick up a pumpkin and continue the fun at home carving it with your family in preparation for Halloween. You don’t need to spend much money on Fall decor if you carve your own pumpkins or simply use real pumpkins first as decor, and later for your meals.

9. Watch Fall Foliage Change & Take Pictures

Fall is the best time to see nature change. Leaves are turning all kinds of colours and watching this and snapping a few pictures is a great activity you can do with your family.

While you’re out and about, try to walk a trail that is famous for those picturesque images. Bundle up in a sweater and take some leaves home to dry for creative projects that you might want to do.

10. Bake A Pumpkin or Apple Pie

Mhh, talking about Fall just makes me think of turkey dinners, home made pumpkin and apples pies! Fall is the best time to get started baking some of your delicious Fall pies.

Since a pumpkin pie tastes better in the Fall, try it from scratch. Bake an apple pie after having gone apple picking and turn those delicious ripe apples into something so so good and mouth watering!

Final Note

There are many Fall activites that can be done which require almost no money. You don’t always need to spend money in order to have fun. The same should go for activites in the Fall.

By being a little creative and making a list of fun things to do in the Fall, you’d be amazed at how much actually can be done without spending a dime. I sincerely hope that you will have an amzing time in the upcoming Fall with spending little to no money!

This post was all about 10 Fall activities.

Image Credits

“Fall Leaves” – Unsplash

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