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This post is all about how to save money on your electricity bill.

Months ago, we simply had enough. The electricity bill flew into our home and we couldn’t understand how it possibly was SO high.

Besides the “delivery charges” from our province for gracefully delivering electricity from the street to our home are a major part of our total electricity bill and there is no way around this problem. With the delivery charge coming in at around 12% of our total electricity bill, you can imagine just how much money we are wasting.

We knew we had to implement some changes to make this bill go way down.

How to Tackle a High Electricity Bill

I bet you’ve been asking yourself this question before too: how to save money on your electricity bill. Especially knowing that things get more expensive every year, and any little corner where one can save money should be looked at. The same goes for the electricity bill.

If you want to find out how to save money on your electricity bill then you have to first have a good look at your electricity bill, which is oftentimes quite confusing. There is a lot of data and you have to take a few minutes to really try and understand it.

You can look at your highest months and determine why this was the case. For instance, in the winter times, do you use more lighting than usual? Can you cut down on the usage of lights and electronics used?

Here’s Exactly What We Did To Reduce and Control Our Usage

1. Combined Laundry Washes

Instead of doing separate washes, we combined a whole lot of washes. We also did cold and quick washes. I didn’t wear any delicate clothing and thus didn’t have to do separate washes for those kind of clothing materials.

2. Doing The Laundry At Nighttime

There are times during the day give you reduced rates. So it is best to go onto your municipality / county’s website and see which times are cheapest to do laundry.
It turns out, during the week, late at night are the cheapest times. During the week in the mornings are the most expensive times, along with Saturday and Sunday mornings.

By simply making a conscious effort to use the cheaper times to use electricity and water you can save already automatically more money. It makes such a difference, really!

4. Shut Off All The Lights And Heat

In an effort to decrease our costs for hydro, we made sure to switch off air condition in the summer and heating in the winter on days that were manageable with the temperatures. If we cooled down our house in the summer, we would turn off the AC for a couple of hours. We would also auto adjust to days when it would get hotter and colder. The same we did in the winter.

We continued to make an effort and always shut off all lights when we didn’t need them. In all honesty, this was quite difficult and we often forgot. However we did this to stop our bad habit 🙂

5. Unplug All Devices

You might ask yourself how to save money on your electricity bill by unplugging all devices? We made sure we unplugged devices that didn’t need to be plugged in. Although not a lot of energy is saved when doing this, it felt like it was the right thing to do anyways. Especially with devices that we did not use much, we unplugged and only plugged in on a per use basis.

6. Exchanged All Lights For LED’s

Did you know that you can save a ton of money by simply switching out your old light bulbs?
One big effort we did to save on our electric bill was to swap all old style bulbs for LEDs. LEDs consume much less energy and hold up a long time. In fact, we were told that our LEDs would eventually outlive us!

Here you can get all of your LED light bulbs for all your lamps and light fixtures.

7. Invested in a Thermostat

We took the opportunity to make our home “smarter” and bought an Ecobee. This is the Ecobee Lite Smart Thermostat. It was easy to install for us (ask your handyman or someone who knows their stuff, you know). It just so happens that my hubby is good with these kind of things. So once we had the Ecobee set up it started working for us. Check it out for yourself, you will be amazed!

8. Used Candles At Nighttime

OK, please don’t laugh. But, we started using candles at night. It creates not only a cozy atmosphere, it also helps you save money on your electricity bill. This is however how it was done in the old days. Before electricity was readily available. Since I love candles anyway, I at least had the chance to try the ones that I had more.

Final Note

If you also are asking yourself how to save money on your electricity bill then hopefully you’ve been introduced to a few tips to get those costs down. Since implementing these few things in our lives, we have seen obviously a difference in our consumption and charges.

We found that by making little changes here and there to improve savings and contribute to the environment is great. After all, you work hard for your money and you don’t have any money to give away – at least not towards wasteful usage of electricity. It’s easy to make a few changes to see if and how you can save money on your electricity bill. It’s like a game to see if each month you have made progress in bringing down the bill even more.

Even though we have done quite a bit already to reduce consumption and costs, we feel that we can still implement other things to reduce our bills even further. However, as with everything else, we want to lay out our budget first, to see what bigger changes we can make to our home to increase efficiency and reduce costs & consumption overall.

This post is all about how to save money on your electricity bill.

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