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This post is about why a vision board is a great tool to set your goals and achieve your desires.

What is a Vision Board?

Have you ever thought about bringing your goals, wants, dreams and desires you imagine for yourself visually into existence?

If this is familiar to you, then you have probably heard of a vision board.

If this is new to you, well, let me explain what a vision board is and how you too, can create your very own vision board for basically only a few dollars, your dedication and time.

A vision board is a powerful way to display your wants, desires, wishes, dreams and goals.

These can literally range anywhere from health goals, financial goals, personal and professional goals, love life goals, bucket list items, travel goals etc.

When you create a vision board, what you actually do is thereby creating the vision and life you want for yourself on a board.

By visualising all your desires, dreams, goals and so on, you are constantly reminded daily you glance at your board.

This is why you should keep your vision board in a place where you see it at least once a day.

Visualisation helps to remind us of what we want for ourselves. Through visualization we actually are manifesting our ideas, goals, dreams on a deeper level.

What you are actually doing is training your brain subconsciously, gearing yourself towards reaching your goals because you constantly are exposed to your vision board.

Here are some categories that you can build your vision board around:

  • Health and Fitness
  • Personal Finance: Wealth
  • Belief, Spiritual
  • Relationships
  • Personal Development
  • Career Education
  • Work
  • Travel
  • Goals and Fulfillment
  • Family

Gathering Materials for your Vision Board

Step 1: Find a Sturdy Board That Is Big Enough

A vision board is usually a board made out of simple cardboard or presentation cardboard. You can also use a blanc canvas to create your vision board.

Whether you decide to use a simple cardboard, post board or a more sturdy version such as a presentation cardboard or blanc canvas, you need to get a board that is big enough for you to stick all of your images on.

The size of the board depends all on your personal preference.

A Digital Vision Board

If you prefer your things digitally, you can totally have a digital vision board created via Pinterest or Power Point.

I do want to point out that it is a different feeling crafting a vision board from hand versus pinning images.

For the non-digital vision board, you will need scissors, glue and a well functioning printer to print good quality images.

You can also gather all of your old magazines that you have in your home. Flip through and see which images could be of use to you and your vision.

Step 2: Finding and Selecting Inspiring Images

You will need to find some highly inspirational images that represent your vision, your personal and professional goals, desires and wishes.

You can find those images from any search engine of your choice, or from old magazines.

When doing the selection process of images which represent your vision, you will want to make sure that when you are going through these images, you establish and feel a connection with the image itself.

You need to look at the image and really feel whatever the image is representing.

Visualization is all about the deep feelings, the imagination that it’s already done/happened for you.

Close your eyes while holding the image for a moment and deeply picture yourself on a catamaran in the Caribbean, or in that new dream house of yours with the perfect kitchen.

Be sure to pick out the right images for you, the ones that connect with you, the ones that give you a good feeling and which really represent what you want and imagine for yourself.

Maybe take a moment and say out loud what the image represents to you. For example, an image of money, you could say, if this applies, “financial freedom and security for my family and myself”.

You get the picture. You have to engage in this activity whole-heartedly.

Step 3: Creating Your Collage

Now after you have chosen the image which in detail describe your goals, desires, wishes, make sure you place them around together with all other images before you start gluing them onto the board.

Attention to detail is key. You want to create a great collage that is fluid and tells the story of your vision.

Take your time with each image, hold it, look at it and imagine it. Then find the proper spot and glue it onto your board.

This activity should not feel rushed or forced.

While doing this, maybe you’d like to listen to music that is both calming and relaxing to increase your vibration and uplift your mood while doing this activity.

You want to be in an uplifting mood as you are creating your vision board and start gluing together your collage of carefully selected images.

The more images you glue to your board, the more your story will come into place.

Step 4: Your Vision Board Is Complete

Once you have finished with all of the images, have a look at your new vision board. Go through each image, look deeply at the images and tell your story in your head. Or you can say it out loud to yourself too.

Next, you want to make sure that you hang your vision board in a place where you see it at least once a day.

This could be in your office, your closet, a special place that you dedicate to your vision board.

Soon you will notice that your brain will automatically start thinking about your vision board and the images.

You can change your vision board every year.

Observe every year, if and what you have accomplished from your vision board.

This could take longer than a year, of course, but over the years when looking back, you can make a note of what has actually happened for you in some form or another.

Final Note: A Few Tips

  • Make sure you take your time with creating your vision board.
  • Consciously think really deeply about the images you select.
  • Manifestation and visualisation are powerful tools for personal development.

Be sure to not necessarily share your vision board with anyone else.

Preferably, you should keep it to yourself and only for you to see. This is because everyone has different goals, desires and dreams. Your vision should not necessarily mingle with another person’s vision and vice versa.

This is why I personally not really show my vision board to anyone else. This is my vision board with my particular goals, dreams, aspirations.

If you are in a committed relationship, of course you can choose to also create a vision board together.

However, it’s important to work on yourself first, as we are all individual human beings who have individual aspirations.

Have you created a vision board before? How did it feel? Did you accomplish certain things from your vision board? Did events manifest for yourself?Let me know in the comments.

This post is about why a vision board is a great tool to set your goals and achieve your desires.

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